
A Little Bit About Me

Raised in Philadelphia, drifting in my teen years as agnostic, I came to know I belonged to a divine family with God as my Father and Jesus as my Savior, on a moonlit August night at age 25, when I was overcome with His presence, and when that knowledge was indelibly infused into my spirit. Our close, personal relationship has only deepened and sweetened since.

I’m a mother of two creative, truly beautiful, deep-and-full-hearted, adult girls; a creative, witty son-in-law I love; and a Mimi to 5 grandchildren whom I also adore. Speaking about motherhood would be its own podcast! 

Since my own conversion, I’ve been driven as a lay person and imperfect, yet highly-graced disciple to share the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ and what’s possible as we come unto Him, and know Him personally.

Adding to the layers, during the over 2,000 hours as a trauma-informed ICF-Master Certified Life & Leadership Coach (ongoing), with a PhD in Human and Org Development, I’ve only seen more and more of the need for inner peace, support for emotional turbulence in a chaotic, anxious, and turbulent world. 

I've seen recurrent themes and the stressors that can be disabling of peace and purpose. This has burdened my heart. I’ve known that the antidote truly is in the person of Jesus Christ, Savior of the World and of our world. No fairytale, just the highest and best reality—one I hope to make more accessible. I believe that each of us are meant to live in continual conversation with God, speaking to and hearing Him, following and becoming like Him. 

I see faith in Jesus Christ as a principle and power that results in shifting mindsets, replacing false stories with more accurate ones, generalized worry and anxiety with greater resilience and trust in the unknown to a personally known God, and so much more. 

I’m here to tell the world God lives, to stand for Christ, His Son, and to take your hand as fellow-traveler, and offer hope through the Spirit—to show a way to that close and personal, conversational and praise-and-worship focused, ever-present relationship with Jesus Christ.

3 Fun Facts About Me 

I created a board game, The Unspoken Word - an adapted version of Taboo.

My daughter's then-teenage friends would often come to visit me as Mamma T, for time to reflect, non-directive coaching, understanding, and life mentoring. Empowering new perspectives has been part of my life since I was young, even younger.

I learned that the reason I felt I couldn't sing was because I'd been straining to sing soprano for years, until my daughters named me a tenor!

About the Podcast

Find Peace in Christ is the online ministry of Karen Trifiletti, who is committed to glorifying God by sharing the reality of God and the sheer joy in being in close relationship with the Father and Jesus Christ, with you! If you don’t know God or Jesus Christ, this is a safe place to explore. If you know intellectually that God lives but don’t feel close or connected or in conversation with Him, this podcast offers a welcoming place to land, to begin or accelerate your growth and personal relationship and walk with the Savior.

This podcast will be laced with real experiences in life’s trenches; scripture that applies in our day-to-day; interviews; Q/As; webinars; resources; a community; coaching opportunities and more. It will be laced by Karen’s journey and rich experiences, as well as others’ of the nearness, personal care and responsiveness of Christ–His presence with us, You will experience Him as you engage with us on this cast, how He speaks and converses with us, as one person to another, as Friend—while He is King, Lord, Savior, Advocate, Redeemer!  Please join us on this journey. And so this isn’t your last visit, and if you feel inclined, Karen would love for you to Subscribe.

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