One-on-One Coaching

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As a disciple of Christ, and ICF, MCC, Master Certified Coach, I’m here to support you in your quest to approach life confidently, and with greater peace and agility. You bring to coaching whatever is top of mind and heart. 

Are you  seeking to know if God lives, what His will is, or how to have your life more intertwined with Jesus? Are you longing to know how to hear God’s voice and feel His presence? 

Are you in a period of disequilibrium, transition, incoherence, where you need to reconfigure your place, pace, posture, and purpose?

Are you in a place of nothingness, of isolation and seeming inactivity or lack?

Are you seeking ways to be a better leader, own your work and personal narrative, be a key person of influence in the home or corporate realm, community, or world? 

Are you wanting to know how to deepen and resolve interpersonal relationships, have high stake conversations, and a different way of relating to others and yourself?

If you nodded yes to any of these, you’re in the right place.

As your Coach, I will be curious and intuitive, not just about your existing behaviors (“doing”) and putting cosmetic fixes on the bugs but, rather, shining a light on your inner operating system itself—seeing what really matters to you, what your core beliefs are (“seeing”) and why you show up as you do–spiritually, emotionally, professionally (“being”).

In that safe space, things bubble to the surface, deep knowings, revelation of higher truths about you, the world, your relationship to everything. Limiting mindsets get a jiggle; questions are sparked —evoking new awarenesses that illicit hope, resilience, progress, greater alignment in your path forward. It’s a miraculous and beautifully fun space to play in. 

If you’re serious about change, and ready to explore what’s real, and to transform how you see and show up in your world, and how you relate to God, this is the place. I look forward to seeing you soon and learning your story.

One insight can change your perceptual world and way of being in it! 

Just click to schedule, and see you soon.